To the faithful followers of Jesus,
In 1 Co 10:31 it states, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." We are called to be the reflection of Jesus Christ to the world. When people see us, they should see Christ and the excellence of the Father. This is a time for us to "polish the mirror", to remove the smudges of our own selfishness and let the glory of the Lord shine through us.
In my own life, I am choosing to make the necessary changes to better reflect the excellency of the glory of God. Are there areas within your life that the Lord is saying, "I show you a more excellent way"? Are you willing to make a change?
In Psalms 50:23, the Lords promises that he that orders his conversation, behavior or manner of living aright, to him, will I show my salvation. In a practical way, ordering your behavior is called, etiquette. Webster's defines etiquette as, "the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life". Etiquette comes from a French word which means, "ticket" and carries the sense of a note attached to something indicating its contents. In Proverbs 20:11 it states, "Even a child makes himself known by his actions, whether his deeds are pure or right."
How well do you know the principles of proper etiquette? Here are a couple of online links to quizes in order to test your knowledge.
More to follow,
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Prophecy - A New Wave of Entrepreneurial Fire
A prophecy posted on The Elijah List.
September 10, 2007
Reeni Mederos
Reeni Mederos
The Spirit of the Lord is brooding and hovering over the earth once again in a very unique and powerful way as we approach a new and different season of spiritual and economic harvest. This harvest will counteract the attempts of devastation against the American and global economy as God is releasing a new quickening in the Spirit and a shifting of hearts as we approach the year 2008. We will begin to see a rapid rise and explosion of entrepreneurial fire over the next 5 years extending and leveling out to about 10 years as fresh entrepreneurial anointing hits the marketplace with an unusual economic move of His Spirit.
The Lord is saying, "There are attacks the enemy is planning right now, but I am raising up a new standard of protection for this nation with tidal waves of offensive and defensive strategies that will overtake and consume every last economic enemy until they are buried and drowned underneath the tidal wave of the move of My Spirit. Get ready and position yourselves to receive a new wave of entrepreneurial fire that is about to hit the American economy.
The Lord is saying, "There are attacks the enemy is planning right now, but I am raising up a new standard of protection for this nation with tidal waves of offensive and defensive strategies that will overtake and consume every last economic enemy until they are buried and drowned underneath the tidal wave of the move of My Spirit. Get ready and position yourselves to receive a new wave of entrepreneurial fire that is about to hit the American economy.
"There is now an urgent call and a war-cry from the heart and mind of God going forth into the spiritual wombs of His people--much like John the Baptist as he leaped in his mother's womb when Mary approached Elizabeth and her voice was heard with joy by the unborn child in Luke 1:39-44:
"Now at this time Mary arose and went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. And she cried out with a loud voice and said, 'Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy.'"
The Lord is now causing the heart of His people in this nation along with many other nations to leap for joy within the womb as they are individually and collectively giving birth to a new wave of spiritual and economic growth.
Entrepreneurial Fire is Not a Respecter of Persons
This move of God's Spirit is purposed to annihilate the debt and poverty of God's elect, resulting in greater national and global economic strength, especially coming from the small business sector. The intertwining of marketplace and prophetic anointing have joined and married together as one holy force of fire as the heart of God's people are supernaturally infused with keen levels of insight, foresight and prophetic precision into the future of God's economic wisdom, revelation and strategy of His heart. Turning the hearts of men and women alike, He will cause many current and new business ideas to explode producing millionaires by the thousands.
As the marketplace and prophetic anointing are being intertwined and married as one on a greater level, they will have separate purposes and accomplish twice as much than if not be combined for the end-time move of the Sprit of the Lord.
"The beginnings of the release of this new tidal wave of prophetic entrepreneurial fire has approached and is already being birthed within," says the Lord. "It will reach the most common to the most elite and is not a respecter of persons. If you are able to see it, you will be ignited and empowered to seize it."
A Transference of Wealth into the Hands of God's People
As there has been great spiritual and financial travail this year in the lives of many, so there is great birthing and rejoicing in the hearts of those that will hear and take heed to what the Spirit of the Lord is now saying and moving and leaping inside of them. There is a forerunning of a shifting of hearts from the pulpit to the marketplace. Pulpit ministry will become marketplace ministry and will converge into such a spiritual outpouring that it will prepare and strengthen America's economy over the coming years. Each year will build with strength and momentum for those who bear the call in their spiritual wombs to raise up, produce and reproduce in the marketplace.
The Lord says, "All the years of training in the church and training in the marketplace have not been in vain. A change of heart will move from the four walls of the church to combine with the marketplace outside the church to manifest and enforce the beginnings of the transference of wealth into the hands of My people--producing liberty to both the spiritually and financially deficient."
Prophetic Ingenuity from the Pulpit into the Marketplace
Ministry has become dull and lifeless for many, especially for those called to the pulpit. The Lord says, "I am not taking the pulpits out of place, I am simply shifting the heart of My people to cause a birthing outside of the pulpit and to transfer pulpit ministry into the marketplace."
You will find spiritual progression to be in the streets and within the businesses and inside the financial realms coupled with and accompanied by ministry, yet filled with increasing prophetic insight and foresight. God's army of prophetic entrepreneurs will speak forth phenomenal predictions in the stock market and cause many to reap great rewards. Prophetic instinct will be on the rise as God releases the discernment of His people to be heightened with precision and cutting-edge accuracy.
The Lord says, "There will be prophetic ingenuity of apostolic government that will hit many company CEO's and CFO's as their hearts are hit with a new quickening of My Spirit to shift their strategies of financial growth, resulting in more efficient and productive methods for speedier multiplication of profits."
Prophetic revelation will come upon them suddenly that will be a direct download of the mind of Christ as they seize and lay ahold of, and direct and redirect their respective shifting markets with an aggression that is full of passion and divine empowerment. There will be the fusion of marketplace ministry, salvation and financial miracles that will transfer from the unseen realm to the realm of the seen as a result of a new tenacity that God is placing in the core of their prophetic DNA.
The Lord says, "A new level of entrepreneurial wisdom and sharp thinking skills will come to the forefront as the enemy's cloud of discouragement, hopelessness and lack of vision will blow away and depart as I continue to hover and breathe a fresh new breath of My Spirit upon this great economic nation. I will preserve that which I have promised to you, America!"
New companies will emerge out of the pulpit experience. God will cause even more pulpit ideas to become business ideas and business ideas to become pulpit ideas. There will be an opening for prayer and prophetic unction released into the business atmosphere that will cause a leaping for prosperity in the mind, body, soul and spirit of emerging companies. A releasing of entrepreneurial flames will sweep across America with a strategic entrepreneurial gathering of the hearts of prophets, apostles and even prophetic musicians as they join in spirit to proclaim and prophesy God's successes over economies, businesses, leaders and governments--extinguishing the negative voice of enemy forces.
The Internet--One of the Greatest Marketplace Ministry Vehicles
Like watchmen on the wall, God is calling out and ranking His entrepreneurial army to run through troops and leap over the walls of the enemy's strategies of economic destruction. The Lord says, "The enemy will not succeed. There will be attempts but they will fall."
Even a new generation of young businessmen and women will take on a new way of doing business. They are already fast learners, technology innovators, witty inventors, multimedia masterminds, Internet and stock market savvy. They are joined as one, even though they are spread out all over this land to accomplish their individual call, purpose and destiny in the work force and in the spirit realms. God has given many pulpit ministries skill and knowledge and trades and the working of hands with exceptional intelligence.
The Lord says, "I will use the Internet to become one of the greatest marketplace ministry vehicles and it is already set in place to be the pulpit of the many businesses and ministries alike. I have connected like-minded hearts there for the purpose of rapidly raising up an army of warrior entrepreneurs that are filled with My Spirit and are highly gifted with sharp prophetic precision for everyday business decisions and everyday life decisions."
"No longer will prophetic ministry be contained and hidden in the church. I have shifted the stream of My Spirit and spilled it out into the open--just like a volcano has spread its flames with lava reaching miles and miles away from its eruption."
Your Dissatisfaction Was Your Birthing Place
"It is a good thing," says the Lord. "Your dissatisfaction was your birthing place. Your frustration was your labor. Your perseverance is your reward as you enter a new season of harvest. Five years of grace. Five years of favor. Five years of fulfillment. Five years of fun and celebration. Five years of fruitfulness. Five years of a strengthening fortress. Your enemies will not be able to succeed or stand against My tidal wave," says the Lord.
"A mighty rushing wind will blow down every enemy and entity that attempts to stand in a lofty place. I will break every branch until the sap is dried up and is cut down to a powerless dead tree stump for you to stand upon in victory. Every place that your foot shall tread, I have given you that land, that city and that nation." says the Lord. "It already belongs to you."
Progression, Provision and Protection
God is freely opening up opportunities that at first glance, may not look to be divinely orchestrated, but then His characteristics and His qualities will be seen within them as they will become apparent, and the fruit of God's Spirit will be upon them with distinction and they will be readily recognized by their fruit. A mighty fortress of business and ministry will erect for progression, for provision and for protection. Many will even become millionaires and many will have large amounts of debt that will be taken out and overthrown.
The Lord says, "A new kingly anointing shall be realized by My people with the rising of the remembrance that in the beginning, I purposed mankind to take dominion and to subdue the earth."
"And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth" (Genesis 1:28).
The Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands
The Lord is saying, "Once again, My people will walk as kings and as priests and will humble themselves to pray--not because of a national tragedy, but because of a national prosperity and a celebration in the heart of the land. The trees will clap their hands and the mountains will rumble and shout out the name of the Lord, for I am a protector and keeper of that which is Mine and of those that are near and dear to My heart."
"For you shall go out [from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil into the homeland] with joy and be led forth [by your Leader, the Lord Himself, and His word] with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands" (Isaiah 55:12).
"I have placed favor upon this soil, and I have given My people this land to tread upon, to walk upon, to overtake, to overthrow, to undertake, to build and to plant, and to make brand new and to prosper. This nation will declare, 'I am blessed,' and it will declare again, 'I am a blessing to the earth.' The earth will boil with the eruption of gladness and joy. It will ooze out the heat and the passion of My heart for the love of those that are Mine. My heart has rested and My habitation is here to stay," says the Lord. "I love this land."
God bless America!
Reeni Mederos
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